We Provide Traditional Cure For Toughest Diseases
- Ayurveda
- Panchakarma

Ayurveda, the traditional Medicine of India is one of the oldest scientific Medical systems of the world with a long record of clinical experience.
More than a Medical System, Ayurveda is a way of life, a way of cooperating with nature and living in harmony with her
It is Science based upon the observation of living beings and their actual response and reactions to their environment.
Is speaks to every element and facet of human life offering guidance that has been tested and refined over many centuries.
The Purpose of Ayurveda is to promote physical, emotional and spiritual health by bringing the patient back to his normal constitution through its EIGHT BRANCHES OF MEDICINE.

Ayurveda, the traditional Medicine of India is one of the oldest scientific Medical systems of the world with a long record of clinical experience.
More than a Medical System, Ayurveda is a way of life, a way of cooperating with nature and living in harmony with her
It is Science based upon the observation of living beings and their actual response and reactions to their environment.
Is speaks to every element and facet of human life offering guidance that has been tested and refined over many centuries.
The Purpose of Ayurveda is to promote physical, emotional and spiritual health by bringing the patient back to his normal constitution through its EIGHT BRANCHES OF MEDICINE.
Ayurvedic Body Types
According to Ayurveda, each one of us has a unique mix of three body principals that constitutes our mental, physical and spiritual well-being. These three principals are known as doshas, which are further classified as
Vata (air-ether),
Kapha (water-earth),
Pitta (water).
But each individual has its own unique constitution that is usually governed by one or two of the doshas predominantly. It means that that our Ayurvedic constitution is mainly be either of these doshas or a mixed constitution of two doshas like
Vata & Kapa,
Kapa & Pitta or Vata & Pitta.

Ayurvedic Body Types
According to Ayurveda, each one of us has a unique mix of three body principals that constitutes our mental, physical and spiritual well-being. These three principals are known as doshas, which are further classified as
Vata (air-ether),
Kapha (water-earth),
Pitta (water).
But each individual has its own unique constitution that is usually governed by one or two of the doshas predominantly. It means that that our Ayurvedic constitution is mainly be either of these doshas or a mixed constitution of two doshas like
Vata & Kapa,
Kapa & Pitta or Vata & Pitta.
This entire group of purification procedures is based upon promoting the body’s natural methods of elimination of unwanted substances.
Panchakarma therapies of Ayurveda form a unique system of physiotherapy which ot only aims at physical correction and rehabilitation but also aim at imparting local medication and trans-dermal nourishment of the tissues.
It is the monumental gosft of Ayurveda to detoxify and recharge the body. It comprises a set of five fold bio-purification methods namely :
1. Vamana (herb induced emesis)
2. Virechana (purgation)
3. Vasthi (Medicated enema)
4. Nasya (Nasal intake of Medicine)
5. Raktamokshana (Blood letting)

This entire group of purification procedures is based upon promoting the body’s natural methods of elimination of unwanted substances.
Panchakarma therapies of Ayurveda form a unique system of physiotherapy which ot only aims at physical correction and rehabilitation but also aim at imparting local medication and trans-dermal nourishment of the tissues.
It is the monumental gosft of Ayurveda to detoxify and recharge the body. It comprises a set of five fold bio-purification methods namely :
1. Vamana (herb induced emesis)
2. Virechana (purgation)
3. Vasthi (Medicated enema)
4. Nasya (Nasal intake of Medicine)
5. Raktamokshana (Blood letting)
Process of Purifying the bodily wastes and eliminating toxins from upper path way.
Useful In :
Bronchial Asthma, Obesity, Skin diseases, ENT diseases, poisoning, epilepsy, psychosis etc…,
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Process of evacuating harmful toxins through the lower pathways, cleaning the stomach and intestines.
Useful in :
fevers, skin diseases, biliousness, diabetic, digestive disorders, arthritis etc…,
The powerful process of cleaning, purifying and strengthening the colon. It nourishes the body, restores and maintains equilibrium to the nervous system
Useful in :
Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neurological disorders, Osteoporosis, Diabetic, Osteoarthriris, Spondylitis etc..,
Insufflations of a medicated liquid or powder through the nasal passage which directly stimulates the brain.
Useful in:
Diseases of ear, nose & throat, Migraine , Sinusitis, parkinsonism, Alzheimer’s, Diseases of Brain, Epilepsy, psychosis, frozen shoulder etc..,
Letting the impure and stagnated blood out of the body with the help of leeches and other techniques.
Useful In :
Skin diseases, Filariasis, Non healing wounds & ulcers, Tumors, Glands etc..,
Massaging the body with warm medicated oils with gentle and caressing strokes.
Useful In :
Insomnia, Fatigue & Exhaustion, Physical and mental stress, for general relaxation etc…,
Massaging the body with Herbal Powders in the direction opposite to the hair follicles with optimum friction and pressure.
Useful In :
Obesity, High cholesterol, Skin diseases etc..,
Process of pouring warm and medicated liquids and oils over forehead from a height for a prescribed period of time.
Useful In :
Insomnia, Stress, Headaches, Epilepsy, Hyper tension, Anxiety, Depression, Baldness, Grey Hair, etc…,
Process of holding warm and medicated oils over scalp with help of a leather cap for a specified period of time.
Useful In :
Insomnia, ENT diseases, Facial paralysis, neurological diseases, hair fall etc..,
Process of pouring warm and medicated liquids preferably oils from shoulder to toes in a rhythmic manner for a specified period of time.
Useful In :
Neurological disorders, polio myelitis, frozen shoulder, Osteoarthritis, Wasting of muscles, Muscular pains, muscular atrophy, etc..,
Massage of body with warm and medicated puddings prepared out of herbal decoctions, milk and certain grains and tied in to bundles.
Useful In :
Rheumatism, Neurological disorders, polio myelitis, frozen shoulder, Osteoarthritis, Wasting of Muscles, Muscular Pains Muscular dystrophy, etc…,
Application of herbal pastes on face and other affected parts of the body for various type of inflammatory conditions and skin diseases.
Useful In :
Pimples, Black heads, Sun tanning, Pigmentation, Melasma, Stretch marks etc..,
Exposing whole body except head to medicated stream and vapors in a chamber or through tube.
Useful In :
Neurological disorders, frozen shoulder, Osteoarthritis, stiff neck, low back ache, spasticity, fatigue, Spondylitis, Muscular pains etc..,
Pouring and retaining warm medicated oil in the ears for prescribed period of time.
Useful In :
All types of diseases of ear, hearing loss, etc..,
Pouring and retaining warm medicated liquids preferably ghee over eyes in a pit made of black gram powder and rhythmic blinking of eyes.
Useful In :
the diseases of eye, myopia, hyper metropia, madras eye and other allergies etc..,
Pouring and retaining warm medicated oils in a pit made of black gram powder over effected areas of back with uniform temperature.
Useful In :
problem, Back ache, stiffness, Spondylitis, Sciatica etc..,