Sri Gayatri Ayurvedic

Opening Hours

Mon - Sat : 9.00 am - 1.00 pm
Sunday Medical Camps

About US


Sri Bharadwaj Foundation

Charitable Trust
Sri Bharadwaj Foundation is a Charitable Trust committed to promote and propagate science. The main objectives of the trust are –
Setting up of chain of Hospitals to provide Quality Health Care Services in the system of Ayurveda.
Setting up of own or loan licensing Manufacturing units for preparation of Quality Ayurvedic Medicines with GMP Standards.
Clinical and therapeutic trails for evolution of selected drugs especially for the diseases identified in National Health Policy.
To conduct, Organize Seminars, Workshops and Training and Awareness Programs .
To Conduct Rural Medical Services Camps.

Our Vision

'Sarvesantu Niraamayah'
( Let All Be Disease Free )

Our Mission

Promotion of Preventive & Positive Health

About Our Hospital


Recognized referral Ayurvedic Hospital for medical reimbursement by the Government of Andhra Pradesh. An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Hospital. Only one of its kind in Ayurvedic sector in Andhra Pradesh.


State Bank of India approved Hospital. Authorized referral Hospital for Central Government Employees working in Vijayawada City limits

Curing All

Institute offering Traditional cure for toughest ailments both at OPD & IPD levels through Ayurveda, Panchakarma, Naturopathy, Yoga and Physiotherapy

Qualified Doctors

Qualified, Competent and committed team of Doctors and Para medicals. Panel Doctors for State Bank Of India .


30 Bedded Hospital with a branch in Hyderabad, Visakhapatnam and Sangli (Maharashtra)


Only one of its kind in coastal area of Andhra Pradesh


Fully equipped with Panchakarma and Physiotherapy infrastructure.

Holistic Treatments

Holistic approach towards understanding and management of disease


Specialized unit for Spine and Disc problems, Arthritis Hemiplegia apart from other ailments.

Treatments for all

Specilized therapies for occupational disorders like Spondylitis, Disc Problems, Hyperacidity of teachers, Computer Operators, etc.,


Week-end relaxation Massages and Packages for Stress-prone professionals like Bank Manager, Auditors, Computer & software Professional, Marketing and Field-level Executives.

Geriatric Specialty

Geriatric Specialty Clinic for age related problems of Retired personnel and old age people.

Body Grooming

Beauty enhancement and Cosmetic Packages. Obesity control and Weight loss Packages.


Counselling for life style modifications.

Happy Living

Center for a Sophisticated system to synchronize the health to realize the dream of healthy and happy living.

De-addiction help

De addiction clinic for alcoholics and addicts of tobacco, gutka etc.,

Certified Hospital

An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Hospital. Only one of its kind in Ayurvedic sector in Andhra Pradesh.


A.P. Government recognized referral Hospital for Medicare-imbursement for Ayurvedic Therapies & Treatments for the Government Employees and their dependents (Both in Service and Retired)

Referred for Govt. Employees

Authorized referral Hospital for Central Government Employees working in Vijayawada City limits

Also available as

Panel Doctors for State Bank Of India


Fully equipped with Panchakarma, Physiotherapy & Clinical Laboratory units

Traditional Approach

Traditional cure for toughest diseases both at OPD & IPD Levels through Ayurveda, Panchakarma, Yoga & Physiotherapy


Specialized therapies for occupational disorders like Spondylitis, Disc Problems Week-end relaxation therapies for stress-prone professionals like Bank Managers, Auditors, Software Professionals & Marketing Executies


Holistic approach towards understanding and management of Disease.


An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Hospital

A.P. Government recognized referal Hospital for Medicalre-imbursement for Ayurvedic Therapies & Treatments for the Government Employees and their dependents (Both in Service and Retired)

Authorized referal Hospital for Central Government Employees working in Vijayawada City limits

Panel Doctors for State Bank Of India 


Our Specialities






Eligible Hospitals For Ayurvedic Treatment

  • Central Or State Government Hospitals
  • NABH accredited Ayurvedic Hospitals
  • Teaching hospitals attached to Ayurvedic Colleges recognized by Central Government/ Central Council of Indian Medicine
  • Ayurvedic hospitals having registration with a Government Authority under appropriate Act in a State/UT, minimum fifteen beds, minimum five qualified and registered Ayurvedic doctors, adequate number of qualified paramedical staff, dedicated Ayurveda therepy sections and daily maintenance of medical records.

List of Insurance Companies